Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Seeing The Good In Releasing Some of My Books Part One For an Aspiring Money Wizard In Training

The following 31 titles are books that I trust that I can easily sell on Amazon and get ample money for but that would conflict with me being able to be an amateur writer on As a result these are books I'm taking to the College Park, Maryland bookholders to see what money I can get for them.I'm grateful to be hired into a job that I start in the Northern Virginia area around mid to late July. However, I understand that I must have spiritual trust that things can only get better and even better things are going to replace what I release/let go. However, please know that this is not meant to disrespect any of the authors of the books that I intend to give away for free or money. I'm only encouraging myself on why I must let go of some of the books I'm grateful to have had in my book collection both as a way to live in a more organized apartment but to also allow myself the blessing of raising some money for myself to help my husband and I before I start my first job within 4 weeks and as seed money towards what I intend to be ample savings for a financial freedom account. Additionally, I intend to move to the Norfolk, Virginia area by the year 2020 or sooner and my intuition is guiding me to let go of what I can more easily part with for now in order to travel lighter when I do finally relocate to the Norfolk Virginia area (even if I have at least 6 months or more worth of living expenses saving by the time I relocate to the Norfolk Virginia area). Additionally, I make a mental note and promise to myself on this blog that in the future I'm only going to spend a max of 2.5% of my after tax income on fun money with a max of 20 percent of the 2.5% on books. If I ever repurchase any of these books in the near future-which I do not rule out-I would hold off until I have at least 12,000 dollars saved and only spend a max of 35 dollars in today's money every 3 months on repurchases (both print and Amazon kindle) and a max of 70 dollars in todays money total every 3 months on both repurchased books and newly purchased books/kindlebooks even if I have over 50,000 or more saved. I would only make adjustment increases in my book spending after I have at least 75,000 saved on top of a completely paid for house or trailier (75,000 or less) and completely paid for car (18,000 dollars in today's money or less even for my dream car which is a mazda3). I'm making a mental note of this today on my blog because I admit that my spending weakness is actually not on clothes but on books, magazines, movies, and cds (especially with me being an aspiring writer who looks to look at movies and books for writing inspiration in addition to music). However, I intuitively know that I can only turn this spending weakness into a spending strength by planning ahead of time how much money to budget in order to meet my financial savings goals and to be a more responsible spender when it comes to books, movies, cds, and magazines that I like purchasing especially from There is so much more I can write today but maybe later as I need to allow myself time to write down the 31 titles today and get to the College Park Maryland bookholders before they close today at 7 p.m However, I understand that I must be grateful to at least have books that I can potential trade for money to put in my Bank of America savings accounts, for public transportation,  food money etc.
slight update; only 30 books are listed but I'm still taking 31 books to bookholders in College Park, Maryland.  However, I admit that I took out one title from this blog for personal reasons.

The Trifecta Secret of Wealth & Abundance: Align Your Higher Self & You Shall Arrive Paperback – February 20, 2014

Your Passport to Heaven 


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